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Funding & Projects

At Bread Free, we are committed to innovation and continuous development.

To support our initiatives, we are involved in various grant programs and research projects.

Public Funding

“This project has been funded under an ENISA Loan, through the Government of Navarre, and under the “Aids for the Creation and Consolidation of Innovative Technology-Based Companies”.

“This company/organization has received economic assistance co-financed by the Government of Navarre and the European Regional Development Fund (40%) through the “Operational Programme FEDER of Navarre”. “This company has participated in the “Europe Closer Program”, subsidized by the Government of Navarre”.

“Subsidized by the NEOTEC grant from CDTI”.

Research Projects

  • Industrial Doctorates of the Government of Navarra:

This program is designed to promote collaboration between companies and universities, providing support for applied research projects that generate value in the sector.

*This project is funded by the Government of Navarra

  • Industrial Doctorates of the Community of Madrid:

This support is aimed at projects that connect academic research with the needs of the industrial sector.

*This project is funded by the Community of Madrid (Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades, Viceconsejería de Universidades, Investigación y Ciencia, Dirección General de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica)

  • R&D Project of the Government of Navarra 2024:

This project aims to drive innovation in the food sector, including research on gluten-free alternatives and the development of new products.

*This project is funded by the Government of Navarra

  • By-Wheat:

The By-Wheat project is dedicated to developing gluten-free wheat flours aimed at creating healthy products while ensuring quality and food safety. This initiative involves utilizing prebiotic agents and incorporating antioxidant and protective ingredients, alongside by-products from the wheat, thistle, and artichoke agricultural sectors.

Led by Bread Free, this project brings together a consortium of companies, including Ingredalia and BioPalacin Planet, as well as the Agro-Food Cluster of the Ebro Valley, FOOD+i, and the Foundation for Innovation and Transfer in Agro-Food of Aragon (FITA).

Through this collaboration, we aim to innovate and enhance the nutritional profile of gluten-free products, contributing to a healthier food landscape.

*The project is funded by grants for pilot projects in cooperation for agricultural innovation under the Strategic Plan of the CAP in Navarra 2023-2027, in the 2023 call, with a total budget of €180,810.10.